What is role of digital technology in men’s mental health?

Mental Health Digital technology has both positive and negative impacts on men’s mental health.

On the positive side, digital technology has made access to mental health resources and support more convenient and accessible for many men. For example, online therapy and counseling services, support groups, and mental health apps provide men with access to resources and support that might otherwise not be available to them.

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On the negative side, the excessive use of digital technology, such as spending long hours on social media, can have negative impacts on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media is associated with increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. In addition, the constant exposure to social comparisons and unrealistic expectations can also have a damaging effect on self-esteem and body image.

Overall, the role of digital technology in men’s mental health is complex and multifaceted. While technology can provide access to important mental health resources, it is important to use technology in moderation and to be mindful of the potential negative impacts it can have on mental health and well-being.

Research suggests that men respond well to information provided by role models. Therefore, there is an opportunity for managers and business leaders to lead by example with open discussions about mental health and available support. With employees increasingly expecting their employers to be more supportive of mental health issues, the timing couldn’t be better. Now is the time for companies to invest in credible, comprehensive and personalized digital health solutions that support the entire mental health journey. While it is encouraging to see mental health stigma diminishing in many countries, there are still too many tragedies. By following a new course and using technology to prioritize anonymity and access, healthcare professionals, charities and employers can finally begin to buck the tide.


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